Roster Management

Executive Summary

What We Learned

Over the term, as a team we learned the many different processes and steps than can be taken in design. Looking back at our work and connecting the dots with our research and our final prototype, we realize how the initial cultural probe helped us as an icebreaker with our indoor soccer team and provided us an understanding of who we are designing for. From this understanding we were able to make personas based on the traits of our participants. Incorporation of the different team roles such as team leader, full-time, and part-time player helped us prioritize who our app is meant to help, how different users spent their time with it, and focusing on the main features (frameworks).

Looking back at our initial and post interviews during the process that involved Cultural Probes, we realize it helped us clearly define our users problems within our informances. From there we worked on a basic design process to create a package for our participants to help us design. Having a group of them together encouraged them to brainstorm, and help with one another’s ideas. The workshop gave us a working design to work off, as our research gave us the UI features that our participants look for in a mobile application. The combination of these design processes strengthened our arguments for each design decision we made as its correlates to our research, and with user testing we were able to make more minor refinements for our final prototype. Overall we found that we spent more time on the process, and engaging in conversations with the participants than we would have thought, but it ended up making designing for them easier.