
Concrete Concepts

  • 6 images of what their parents think, friends think, they think they do, and what they actually do, what society thinks I do, what the coach thinks they do. ex.
    • limit to 6, can fill in as many as they want to (people think vs I actually do)
    • give them  a group of pictures, they can choose one that represents what they did that day and one that represents what other people thought they did
  • Having a map showing all the locations they visited (soccer ball stickers used for placement)
  •  What position they play in on field and location
  • Postcard Questions (6-10)
    • When age did you first start playing soccer, and when did you join a team
    • What’s your favorite soccer team and player and what website do you use to see stats
  • pick a colour and a sport sticker to represent a day (for week)
  • images represent your relationship with your rivals
  • Alarm Clock Example ex. Give a get number of images and ask them to select 2 images on how they feel when they win a game and how they feel when they lose. ← Herman likes this. Jasmine doesn’t.  This seems more like an interview type idea.
  • take pic of the location when sth bad/gd happen (have to give them cameras then)(most people have cameras on their phones, more likely they’ll have it on them)
  • write down the first sentence you say in a day and the person you talk to. (dream journal)
  • pick a conversation from text msg inbox (most interesting)
  • most interesting thing they watched/saw/read/heard that day
  • We could give them each a soccer ball and a sharpie, and they could write on the ball all the names of the people they actively played sports with over the course of the week.
    • Most of these people participate in other sports as well, and set up kick-arounds with non-team players. It would be interesting to gather the quantity of socialization based on sports for these individuals. It could also include other activities surrounding sports, such as going to watch a game with someone. A lot of people on the team have season tickets to the Vancouver Whitecaps.
  • Colouring sheets with the daily recommended nutritional intake? Like 5 apples or something to represent the 5 servings of vegetable/fruits and they colour in how ever many they had. Can add things like pop cans and beer and coffee cups too to track their consumption
  • A picture of animals lined up according to speed like tortoise on one end and panther on the other and they circle the one the most represent their workout load that day? (tortoise = lazed around, panther = exercised like a maniac, etc)
  • A sheet of paper with icons for running, weight lifting, etc.. with a slider next to each image. They can pull the slider up for the amount of time (half hour increments on sheet like ruler) they put into that particular workout each day
  • a bracelet, and 14 green beads and 14 red beads. After a meal (lunch + dinner), if they think they eat healthy, put a green bead into the bracelet, and if they think what they eat is not healthy, put a red bead into the bracelet. 14 beads represents 2 meals (lunch & dinner) in a wk. And they can wear it during the wk.
  • A water-bottle and post-it-notes they crumple to indicate how much glasses of water they’ve drank.