Interviews and Results

Shaun W

Initial Interview

  • Age: 22
  • Position: Goalie
  • Occupation: Greyhound
  • Began soccer: Entire life
  • Why?: Because it was a cheap sport that allowed him to connect with friends.
  • How long indoor soccer league: 3 Seasons
  • Why indoor?: Because it’s a fun, less competitive form of the sport he really enjoys.
  • Other athletics: None.
  • Do you watch soccer as well?: No

Probe Results:

  • Ball: No names because he was working all week.
  • Texts: No interesting texts at all.
  • Meme: Didn’t really understand how different people would perceive soccer goalie in different ways.
  • Drinks: 2 Gatorades, 5 Waters, 9 Protein Shakes
  • Daily Thing: Didn’t do anything sports related over the week so he didn’t write anything.

Exit Interview

He was busy all week with work and didn’t do anything sports related. Said that if the time overlapped a day where he played soccer it would have been different, but over those 5 days he didn’t have much in the way of sports related feelings. Also, since he was really busy, he didn’t get any interesting texts. Accidentally got water in the water bottle so the post-its were all soggy. The main thing to gather from his interview was that the time period didn’t overlap any actual sport outings for him, so the results didn’t really address his athletic life.

Mark C

Initial Interview

  • Age: 22
  • Position: Midfield
  • Occupation: Rendering Plant / Engineering Degree
  • Began soccer: Entire life
  • Why?: Because everyone else was, and it’s weekly exercise.
  • How long indoor soccer league: 2 Seasons
  • Why indoor?: Needs the weekly exercise.
  • Other athletics: Working out. Used to play hockey.
  • Do you watch soccer as well?: Just sometimes.

Probe Results:

  • Meme: Forgot to do it.
  • Drinks: He stuck sticky notes on the outside of the waterbottle and said he was having a problem because they kept falling out. When we told him that he could have put them inside the bottle, he looked pretty dumbfounded. hahahah. Anyway, he then told us to make up the results, and said he drank about equal amounts of Milk, iced tea and alcohol.
  • Daily Thing: Day 1- soccer ball sticker and “kick around”. (related to kicking a ball around with his brother) Day 2 – Work it! sticker and “pump that iron” (Workout day) day 4 – “go big or go home (gym life)” (related to another workout day) day 5 – on fire sticker, kickin’ stick and team player sticker. (related to soccer practice at night) day 6 – fired up sticker and “for game day” (Soccer game that night)
  • Texts: He didn’t record any texts because none of them were ‘sports-related’ and the ones that were weren’t interesting.
  • Ball: 10 names for soccer, and one name for working out. One name was on there three times. Fair mix of males and females

Exit Interview

When we asked which activity was the most fun, he said “going to the blarney stone”. We rephrased the question and he said it got him the most alcohol stickers to put on his water bottle. He said he didn’t understand the daily log, but it made him realize that he wasn’t doing anything physical some days.

Kevin G

Initial Interview

  • Age: 22
  • Position: Midfield
  • Occupation: Unemployed a.t.m.
  • Began soccer: Entire life
  • Why?: Cheap, love soccer.
  • How long indoor soccer league: 3 Seasons
  • Why indoor?: Loves soccer, gets to play for fun with friends.
  • Other athletics: Other soccer teams. Used to play lacrosse.
  • Do you watch soccer as well?: Yes. All soccer.

Probe Results:

  • Meme: Thought it was too much work to do
  • Daily Thing: Day 1 – Fifa, Anticipation, excitement. Soccer sticker saying ready. (Related to FIFA 13 video game that was coming out) Day 2 – Money, teammates, disappointment, camaraderie. (He’s running the soccer team and is still waiting for a few players to pay him) Day 3 – Blood, pain, pickups, New teammates, teamwork. Also, there is blood on this day. (Was with lady friend and she got cut.) Day 4 – Continuous improvement, knowledge of the game.
  • Drinks: 14 Waters, 9 Sugary Drinks, 26 Alcoholic Beverages.
  • Ball: 15 names. Mixed genders. They were all from watching a Whitecaps game as he didn’t play sports in the four days he had the ball.
  • Texts: Tuesday- WHITECAPS! Wed – Didn’t feel like sharing it. Thurs: “Dude, my cats are gone.”

Exit Interview

Found it interesting to see just how much he drank over the course of a few days. Found it funny how much beer he drank. Said that if he wasn’t job hunting and if the time allotted overlapped a soccer day there would have been a lot more stuff on his chart. Found the stickers to be lame because he isn’t a child, so he just wrote words after the first day.. Interesting note: Friends blood was on the daily chart. Enjoyed the activity as a whole.

Adam P

Initial Interview

  • Age: 22
  • Position: Defense
  • Occupation: School
  • Began soccer: Entire life
  • Why?: Family put him in it, loves the sport.
  • How long indoor soccer league: 2 Seasons
  • Why indoor?: Really enjoys soccer, gets to see people he normally wouldn’t on a weekly basis.
  • Other athletics: Used to play lacrosse.
  • Do you watch soccer as well?: Sometimes.

Probe Results:

  • Meme: They were all people playing soccer, except for the what i really do one. That one was him drinking beer with friends.
  • Drinks: 27 Waters, 32 Alcohols, No Sugary drinks.
  • Ball: 6 names, mixed genders. People he went to watch a football game at a pub with. Said if he had a game that week there would have been 20 names.
  • Daily Thing: Put a football sticker on one day and that was it. Because the only sports related thing he did this week was watch football at the pub.
  • Texts: Mon – Where dem hoes at? Tues – Nothing really interesting Wed – ❤ Come over and have some bacon. Thurs – I’m drunk adam!

Exit Interview:

Thought the drink bottle was the best probe, as it allowed him to compete with the others for most alcohol consumed. Also stated that he didn’t understand the purpose of the text message probe as it didn’t hold any significance to soccer. Most importantly though, he discussed that the time-frame of the probe hand out didn’t overlap any game days and that if it had the results would have been significantly different.