
Our cultural probe kit was designed with the intention to mimic the lifestyle of the soccer team. We utilized a soccer synch bag, as well as ball and water bottle props to make the kit transparent in their lifestyle. It was also meant to not be intrusive to their lives as we wanted the information received from the kit to be as organic as possible.

The ball and pen activity was meant to find out the number of different people that the users had sport-related interactions with. Our findings were that outside of the group, they did have some interactions, but not many. The Text Message activity was meant to be a fun way of getting the users to loosen up, and in that it was successful during our interviews. However, the data received was pretty mundane and pointless for this exercise. Our Meme-based idea was meant to get an idea of how they were viewed by others in their community, but the exercise felt too much like homework and didn’t get many responses. The activity log encouraged a diary of sports interactions, and once again we learned that outside of the team, their interactions are minimal. Finally, the water bottle exercise was meant to track their dietary needs, and while we didn’t really gain any insight there worth noting, we can reflect on their competitive nature when it came to who would drink the most booze.