Bradley MacGuinness (OLD)

  • Age: 23
  • Position: Defense.
  • Employment: Part-time bartender at a failing local bar
  • Living Situation: Living in a dorm.
  • Method of Transportation: Public transit.
  • Prefered method of communication: His blackberry. Texting and calling only.

Background in sports: Sports is a big part of Bradley’s life (either big part of his life or mild interest). Not a day goes by where he does not watch, play, or talked something sports related. He loves all sports, but soccer will always be his first love since it was the first sports team he joined when he was a kid. When he was in high school, Tom was on the school soccer, hockey, and football team. He opted out of joining his university’s sports teams to focus on his studies. Instead, he joined a local co-ed soccer team to get his fix later on in his studies. He likes the more relaxed environment, and not having to worry too much about winning and losing, but that does not mean he has gotten any less competitive.

Interests and activities: particularly enjoys Hockey and Football. Goes to the pub every week to watch his favorite team (Philadelphia Eagles) play football. Works out twice a week outside of soccer. Has a girlfriend currently, although his relationships never usually last. Enjoys all sorts of movies and loves hard rock music. Primarily spends his weekends partying. In the winter months he is really into snowboarding, and during the summer he enjoys golf. Also loves watching MMA and proclaims that he is really good at karate.

Education: Bradley is a 4th year UBC student working towards a degree in engineering. He is near graduation which he is looking forward to, but he is also wary about finding a job. He lives in the dorms, so he is relatively aware of the happenings around campus and is engaged in social events. He is a member a competitive video gaming club.
Why does he play soccer? He had been looking to get back into soccer for a while, when a few guys from his old soccer team growing up told him they had just joined a league. He’s playing because he enjoys competition and socializing and that he was beginning to miss the nature of the sport.

Other information: Comes from an Irish background. He drinks a lot, and has noticeably been gaining a little bit of a beer gut in recent months. His friends don’t understand how he got into UBC and the common belief is that he won’t do anything with his degree and will remain a bartender for the majority of his life.