Persona Comparison (OLD)


Persona- Similarities

  • Both play and watch soccer adamentely
  • love the social aspects of sports on the field, at a pub, and at home
  • Similar age and both close to finishing undergraduate degree
  • love drinking
  • communication wise, both their phones are mainly used for calling and texting, no real smartphone capacity

Persona- Differences

  • Bradley has a beer belly and is just starting to get back into playing sports. While Sherry has been constantly playing sports since childhood.
  • Sherry is more outdoorsy as she gives hiking tours, is a scout leader, and travels around the world water-skiing. While Bradley spends most of his time indoors studying, playing video games, and watching sports.
  • Bradley’s relationships tend not to last that long, while Sherry has a relationship with one of the boys on the soccer team
  • Bradley lives in a dorm and uses public transportation. Sherry rents an apartment with a friend and uses a run down car for transit.