

With our two personas we wanted to address the two different types of users that will interact with our design intervention, the leader/coach, and the full-time player. We modeled our persona Bradley on the real life coach of the indoor soccer team and our persona Sherry to be an almost antithesis of him to provide contrast. By creating two personas with opposing personality traits, we hoped to gain insight into how to cater our design intervention to a group of diverse individuals.With Bradley, we have a more laid back and slightly disorganised coach who always ends up doing thing last minute. Sherry, on the other hand, is a highly organised, Type A personality who likes to keep a schedule of when everything is happening. Their main connection is their interest in sports and a desire for a better system of managing the team roster. Bradley is tired of having to make last minute changes and clashing with players like Sherry.


Our original four informances were scrapped because when looking at our journey frameworks and scenarios, we noticed that there was no direct link or connection showing progress on how we got to where we were. When we first created our original ones we only focused on incorporating results we received from the probes, this didn’t help us in the end because the videos ended up being just events happening with no real problem or issue presented by the user. Due to feedback we went back to probes and found that our answers lies more within the interview responses from participants then the analysis of their probes. This discovery allowed us to focus our attentions more on the problems we initially neglected, and gave us a better perspective of our social group by re-evaluating our previous work and role-playing their issues and concerns.