Sherry Lee (OLD)

  • Age: 22
  • Position: Midfield
  • Employment: Part-time tour guide whenever she isn’t at school (Summers and winter break). She’s a scout leader for young girls over the weekend teaching them self-esteem, communication, and nature.
  • Education: Finishing a psych degree at SFU
  • Living Situation: Renting an apartment with a friend
  • Method of Transportation: Her really old, unreliable car.
  • Prefered method of communication: A really old nokia. Not a smart phone.

Interests and activities: Really enjoys watching the whitecaps. Plays on another soccer team (outdoor) as well as numerous other outdoor activities. She also really enjoys going clubbing. She also loves traveling and water-sports. Whenever she has the chance, she uses her money for a trip to somewhere tropical so that she can enjoy the water and go water-skiing.

Why does she play soccer? She has been playing soccer all her life and uses this indoor league as a means of constructing a social life in an environment of her choosing. She is dating one of the guys on the team, and every week after the games she is present for the post-game drinking that the team does.

Other information: Is a proud Canadian. She is constantly on the move, hates sitting still, and is proud of the fact that she’s viewed as one of the boys. She never has much money, because she is always saving her money for her next big trip and what little money she does have on the side goes towards drinking and paying rent and the whitecaps. So she doesn’t care for elaborate purchases, has a very minimal wardrobe. She would love to have a pet as she loves animals, but because of her frequent traveling and lack of funds, she doesn’t own a pet at the moment.

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